ABOUT – Objectives and pillars
2050: Towards a fairer, climate-neutral Europe for all

Infographic description: Covenant of Mayors pathway to 2050 towards affordable, secure and sustainable energy, decarbonised cities, and resilient communities in a fair, respectful and inclusive way.
The 3 pillars of signatories’ commitments
"We [Mayors from all over Europe], commit to doing our share by undertaking the following actions:
1. COMMIT to setting mid- and long-term targets, consistent with the EU objectives, and at least as ambitious as our national targets. Our goal will be to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Considering the current climate emergency, we will make climate action our priority and communicate it to our citizens.
2. ENGAGE our citizens, businesses and governments at all levels in the implementation of this vision and in the transformation of our social and economic systems. We aim to develop a local climate pact with all the players who will help us reach those objectives.
3. ACT, now and together, to get on track and accelerate the necessary transition. We will develop, implement and report -within the established deadlines, an action plan to reach our targets. Our plans will include provisions on how to mitigate and adapt to climate change, while remaining inclusive.
4. NETWORK with fellow Mayors and local leaders, in Europe and beyond, to get inspiration from each other. We will encourage them to join us in the Global Covenant of Mayors movement, wherever they are in the world, would they embrace the objectives and vision described herein."