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Covenant of Mayors - Europe

Governance and support

The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy is a unique political movement steered by mayors.

Political board


In Europe, the Covenant of Mayors is steered by a Political Board composed of mayors and local leaders.

Board members regularly meet and are invited to discussions with EU institutions leaders on how to advance local energy and climate actions.

Covenant of Mayors' political board:


Group of Practitioners

The Covenant of Mayors is an initiative for cities, shaped by cities. The Group of Practitioners brings together front-runner cities, regions and experts in climate change mitigation and adaptation from across Europe and give them the opportunity to contribute to consolidating and developing the initiative.

Members of the group share their experience and expertise in the field of climate change mitigation, adaptation at local level, and access to energy. They are also invited to give their input on key methodological and strategic developments of the initiative. Depending on the topics addressed, experts in adaptation and/or in mitigation are invited in order to bring forth specific challenges - both when it comes to the Covenant’s specific methodology and more general guidance on future developments.



  • Members of the European Committee of the Regions

The primary goal of the National Ambassadors of the Covenant of Mayors is to endorse and reinforce the initiative in every Member State, to take part in country-specific activities and to reinforce links and cooperation with Members of the European Parliament and National Governments. The Chamber of National Ambassadors also aims to establish contact with cities and municipalities that could benefit from technical support and financial guidance and become active agents in delivering climate action.

The full list of Ambassadors is available here.


  • Members of the European Parliament

They act as a figurehead and advocate in their Member State and in the EU institutions. They promote the Covenant of Mayors and Bring the voice of cities to European policy-making, notably through:

  • Promotion of the Covenant of Mayors in national events
  • Mobilising mayors from their Member State and region to join
  • Presenting the Covenant's ideas and achievements in the European Parliament
  • Speaking as a Covenant Ambassador at European and international events.

Learn more in our Call for Ambassadors!



The Covenant of Mayors – Europe Office is operated by a consortium of city networks, Energy Cities, Climate Alliance, EUROCITIES, FEDARENE, ICLEI and CEMR, and an IT company, Akaryon.

Our office provides signatories with a helpdesk, support political steering of the initiative, build cities’ capacity through a wide range of events, resources and materials, and make sure to enhance the Covenant of Mayors’ visibility at European level.
Covenant of Mayors - Europe Office
Mundo Madou
Avenue des Arts 7-8
1210 Bruxelles