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Covenant of Mayors - Europe
News article6 October 2023

Discover the winners of the 2025 European Green Cities Awards: Vilnius, Viladecans and Treviso

Vilnius, Green Capital 2025, with Viladecans and Treviso, Green Leaf winners, lead Europe in local climate action, shaping a sustainable, just future for their citizens.

EU Green capital 2025

Yesterday, in the city of Tallinn, Estonia, which proudly holds the title of European Green Capital for this year, the winning cities of the European Green Cities 2025 Awards were announced. Vilnius was awarded 2025 European Green Capital, while the European Green Leaf 2025 awards go to Viladecans in Spain and Treviso in Italy.  

All three winners, also Covenant of Mayors signatories, are inspiring examples of cities leading the way in creating a more sustainable and just future for their citizens. This year’s EU Green Capital awards reflected the urgency of the time. As climate disasters become more frequent and temperatures rise, impacting people's daily lives, cities and towns can lead the way by taking tangible actions to increase resilience locally and mitigate the effects of climate change. This year's awards placed particular emphasis on cities' practical approach to creating change and involving local communities in the transformation.

“Bravo to Vilnius, Viladecans and Treviso! Welcome to the European Green Cities group. You have been working hard to make your cities greener, healthier and more pleasant places to live for your people. This ceremony follows a summer marked by floods and wildfires that caused devastation across Europe. Climate change will exacerbate these extreme weather trends, meaning cities will need to adapt to unpredictable weather as well as drastically cut their emissions. The answer has to be greener cities – cities with lower pollution, which care more for citizens’ well-being. That is exactly what today’s winners are doing.” 

- Virginijus Sinkevičius, the Commissioner for Environment, Oceans, and Fisheries

Vilnius: EU Green Capital 2025

Vilnius was crowned European Green Capital for 2025 for its pragmatic approach. The city's mantra, "Vilnius - the greenest city in the making," reflects their ongoing commitment through tangible action, bringing it closer step by step to a more sustainable and green future. Vilnius has notably reduced emissions by expanding renewable energy sources and renovating heating infrastructure, striving for climate neutrality by 2030.  

Also, Vilnius stands out for its dedication to an ecological transition that is also social, engaging citizens and focusing on quality of life, encompassing clean air, water, biodiversity preservation, green spaces, and more. The city's innovative tech-oriented citizen engagement approach employs a dedicated app for citizens to participate in various aspects of city management and planning.

Vilnius EU Green Capital 2025

Photo: Vilnius, Dan Marian Stegan Doroghi, Unsplash

Viladecans and Treviso: EU Green Leaf 2025

Citizen engagement is a core component of a cities’ transition and important factor in its effectiveness. This was put in the spotlight in this year's Green Leaf Awards, with two winners recognised for their unique approaches to engaging citizens in their green transitions.

Viladecans earned the Green Leaf distinction thanks to its innovative methods of instigating behavioural change through positivity and enthusiasm within the community. Residents and stakeholders at various levels actively engage in decision-making processes, while the city makes significant strides in renewable energy and energy efficiency. Viladecans' positive outlook on sustainability challenges offers hope and inspiration to its residents and beyond.

Treviso, too, impressed the jury with its innovative engagement strategies through storytelling, intergenerational communication, and gamification to engage young people. Treviso has ambitious plans, including doubling the number of trees, demonstrating their determination to surpass past achievements in sustainability.

Treviso, EU Green Leaf 2025

Photo: Treviso, Robert Ruggiero, Unsplash

More about the Awards

As European Green Capital 2025, Vilnius will receive a €600,000 financial prize to bolster environmental sustainability initiatives. Meanwhile, the European Green Leaf 2025 awardees, Viladecans and Treviso, will be granted €200,000 each to support their ongoing endeavors.

A total of 14 cities competed for these prestigious awards, evaluated by a panel of seven independent urban sustainability experts and a jury of which the Covenant of Mayors Office is a part, alongside representatives of the European Commission, Committee of the Regions, European Environment Agency, and European Environment Bureau.

These awards underscore the critical role cities play in realising the European Green Deal's ambitions. With more than 70% of Europeans residing in urban areas, cities serve as catalysts for environmental and economic transformations. The European Green Capital Award, launched in 2010, encourages cities to embrace greener and cleaner initiatives, aligning with the European Green Deal's aspirations, including the Zero Pollution Action Plan, Circular Economy Action Plan, and Biodiversity Strategy.

The European Green Leaf Award extends recognition to smaller towns and cities (20,000 – 100,000 inhabitants) for their environmental efforts.

Being designated a European Green Capital or European Green Leaf city carries numerous benefits, from heightened city profiles to forging new alliances. Above all, it fosters optimism, attracts investments, and enhances the quality of life for citizens.

For further information on the EU Green Capital, this year’s awarded cities and past winners, visit their webpage.

Green Cities Awards and Covenant of Mayors – Europe

The Covenant of Mayors – Europe and EU Green Capital work closely together to highlight and bolster cities’ action in advancing the EU’s climate ambitions. Every year, the mayors of the past year’s Green Capital and Green Leaf hold rotating seats on the Covenant of Mayors - Europe’s board of mayors. This ensures that the initiative is always represented by trailblazing and bold cities. 


Dátum uverejnenia
6 October 2023