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Covenant of Mayors - Europe

INTERREG A – cross border cooperation

Cross-border cooperation between adjacent regions to promote integrated and harmonious regional development between neighbouring land and maritime border regions:

(a) internal cross-border cooperation between adjacent border regions of two or more member states or between adjacent border regions of at least one member state and one or more third countries

(b) external cross-border cooperation, between adjacent border regions of at least one member state and of one or more partners from IPA III beneficiaries, partner countries supported by NDCI and Russian Federation.

Relatively small in the budget, the projects have many concrete outcomes: removing barriers to better security, transport, education, energy, health care, training and job creation. They are managed by joint structures, situated in one of the countries and responsible for the whole programme

Type of funding
Managing structure & coordination
Inspiring Examples

List of projects under European Regional Development fund (all programmes)

Useful links
Parent funding item
Support service