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  • News article
  • 4 June 2024

Don’t miss the Covenant at this year’s European Sustainable Energy Week

Are you going to European Sustainable Energy Week next week? Make sure you catch us there! 

European Sustainable Energy Week

At this year's edition, we will launch an exciting new campaign that you'll want to be part of. In relation to the campaign, we are hosting a session and will have some surprises at our stand. Curious about our new campaign? Make sure to subscribe to get all the updates! 

Don't miss our session 'Exploring the heat map: inspiring approaches to sustainable urban heat planning'

Want to find out more about the different approaches and best practices to manage the heat transition ? Join us on 11 June from 16:30 to 18:00 CEST to explore best practice examples from the Covenant of Mayors, the European Energy Award and the Smart Cities Marketplace. The session will promote different approaches and highlight different municipal perspectives: from the national level, the district level, the cities level and the power plant company.

Find out more about our session here!

Besides our main session, secure your spot for many other sessions of interest, featuring Covenant of Mayors community members! 

Sessions on heating and cooling 

No hot air! The potential of waste heat for decarbonising industry, cities, and buildings on 13 June from 09:30 to 11:00 CEST. 

This session will demonstrate how large heat pumps and district heating and cooling networks use waste heat and contribute to energy-efficient and decarbonised industry, cities and buildings and what measures are needed to unlock the full potential. Limited spots available!

District heating and cooling: the neighbourly way to climate neutrality on 12 June from 16:30 to 18:00 CEST. 

You'll explore the success stories from cities and municipalities across Europe, which have deployed or modernised district heating and cooling networks, to accelerate their heating and cooling transition and phase out fossil fuels. Drawing from relevant EU projects like the Celsius initiative, the session will showcase examples of successful transitions. More information about this session! 

Geothermal now: bridging policy, industry, and science for a European geothermal energy strategy on 13 June from 14:00 to 15:30 CEST. 

Following the European Parliament’s resolution for a European geothermal energy strategy, representatives of the European Commission, Member States, industry, research institutes and civil society will discuss the challenges, benefits and opportunities for the mass deployment of geothermal to achieve EU climate goals. Find out more.

Sessions on energy poverty

Multilevel governance: addressing energy poverty in the energy transition era on 13 June from 09:30 to 11:00 CEST. 

Seize the opportunity to explore effective multi-level governance strategies that facilitate the integration of local insights, knowledge, and initiatives into the broader national and EU climate goals and policies. Get a sneak peak of the session! 

Cool in the city: adapting to new climate conditions on 12 June from 09.30 to 11:00 CEST. 

The number of cities exposed to extreme temperatures is increasing as they are vulnerable to the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. Municipalities and their citizens, especially those in a situation of vulnerability, will present how are adapting to new climate conditions. Join the session! 

We'll also be addressing multilevel governance in a few spaces

Acting locally for a fair and inclusive European Green Deal on 13 June from 14:00 to 15:30 CEST. 

This policy session will use an interactive format to collect different perspectives in managing a fair climate and energy transition on the ground. Outputs on energy and social measures will feed the debate on the priorities for the next Commission’s mandate. Find out more! 

Finally, don't miss some important sessions from our partners!

ePLANET final event – How to accelerate the deployment of Energy Transition to fulfil the 2030 and 2050 Energy Goals on 10 June, 13:00 to 17:00 CEST. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of the collective effort towards a sustainable, energy-efficient future. Register now! 

Don't miss the ManagEnergy Talk - Powering the future: how we can reimagine our energy system on 12 June from 18:30 to 19:15 CEST. This talk will explore innovative, ambitious and transformative actions and seek to inspire others to spearhead the drive for investment and action on sustainable energy. Find out more.

Meet the Central and Eastern European Sustainable Energy Network (CEESEN) at EUSEW (Charlemagne building, at the Sustainable revolution and clean energy transition in Central and Eastern Europe stand C-6) to explore good examples, case studies and useful outputs from the Covenant of Mayors.

From waste to renewable energy: biomethane and renewable energy communities on 12 June from 16:30 to 18:00 CEST 

This policy session will explore how biomethane projects can foster resilient energy communities based on local, circular supply chains. It will highlight the environmental and socio-economic benefits of biomethane production, such as waste-based feedstock utilisation, organic fertilizer production and CO2 emissions mitigation. Find more information here! 

picture credit : European Sustainable Energy Week 


Data tal-pubblikazzjoni
4 June 2024