If you require any assistance, please find below our helpdesks available to support you.
Helpdesk for Signatories
Our Helpdesk assists signatories through all the steps of the Covenant of Mayors - Europe process, from registration and commitment renewals to inputting data in MyCovenant for action plans and monitoring.
Contact information:
- Email: info@eumayors.eu
- Telephone: (+32 2 646 84 24)
Please note: The Helpdesk does not provide pre-evaluation of action plans. The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) conducts analysis of submitted action plans.
A national Helpdesk for Italian-speaking signatories is available:
- Email: info@eumayors.eu
- Telephone: (+39 075 852 04 29)
Coordinators’ Helpdesk
Exclusively for Covenant Coordinators, this Helpdesk can be reached via:
- Email: coordinators@eumayors.eu
Supporters’ Helpdesk
Exclusively for Covenant Supporters, this Helpdesk can be reached via:
- Email: supporters@eumayors.eu
Joint Research Centre Helpdesk
The JRC Technical Helpdesk is available at:
For more specific inquiries regarding methodological requirements or questions related to the JRC‘s feedback reports, two dedicated technical Helpdesks are available:
- Mitigation-related queries: jrc-com-technical-helpdesk@ec.europa.eu
EPAH Helpdesk
For questions related to energy poverty, the EPAH Helpdesk is available at:
- Email: info@energypoverty.eu