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Soft loans, guarantees

Financing the energy retrofitting of buildings is a great challenge. With investments varying from 200 to 1,200 EUR/m2, access to attractive and long-term financing is perceived as the primary barrier for homeowners. Financial incentives such as grants, guarantees or soft loans for energy renovation could motivate homeowners to make the investment decision more easily.

Local and regional authorities in cooperation with financing institutions can offer to homeowners of private residential buildings:

Bonds Muniċipali Ekoloġiċi

Gvern lokali (jew l-aġenziji tagħhom) jista’ joħroġ bonds ekoloġiċi biex jiffinanzja l-proġetti ta’ enerġija sostenibbli tiegħu. Bond ekoloġiku tista’ titħaddem daqs bond normali, li hijha dejn li jitħallas lura, skond il-karatteristiċi tal-bonds, bl-imgħax. Dawn jistgħu jkunu attaraenti permezz ta’ eżenzjonijiet mit-taxxa.        


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