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Burgemeestersconvenan – Europa

Rural Pact Survey

Type of Call

Input / Survey


Share your views, needs and interests related to the Rural Pact

Help the Rural Pact Support Office identify key areas where they can offer enhanced support and networking opportunities to the Rural Pact and its community – fill in our short survey by 19 July 2024.

The survey is available in 22 EU languages and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete – please share it with your networks! Your feedback will provide valuable insights to help shape the future of EU rural development policies and initiatives.

The aim of the survey is to get an overview of rural stakeholders’ expectations linked with the Rural Pact and the implementation of its key objectives to: amplify rural voices; enable networking and collaboration; and encourage commitments to act for the EU’s rural vision.

Fill it out here:

Entity in charge

EU Rural Pact

Application Deadline

Link to website