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European Local Energy Assistance

European Local Energy Assistance (ELENA) provides grants for technical assistance focused on the implementation of energy efficiency, distributed renewable energy and urban transport projects and programmes.

The grant can be used to finance costs related to feasibility and market studies, programme structuring, business plans, energy audits and financial structuring, as well as to the preparation of tendering procedures, contractual arrangements and project implementation units.

ELENA supports programmes above EUR 30 million over a period of around 2-4 years, and can cover up to 90% of technical assistance/project development costs. Smaller projects can be supported when they are integrated into larger investment programmes.

The annual grant budget is currently around EUR 20 million. Projects are evaluated and grants allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

Type of funding
Project size
Managing structure & coordination

European Investment Bank 



Inspiring Examples
Useful links
Parent funding item
Support service