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Citizen Cooperatives

Energy cooperatives refer to a business model where citizens jointly own and participate in renewable energy (RES) or energy efficiency (EE) projects. In energy cooperatives citizens are involved in both the decision making and financial & economical participation. All citizens are eligible to participate. After purchasing a cooperative share and becoming a member or co-owner of local RES and EE projects, members share in the profits and often are given the opportunity to buy the electricity at a fair price. In addition, members can actively participate in the cooperative: they can decide in what and where the cooperative should invest, and are consulted when setting the energy price.

Energy cooperatives (as a sub-category of energy communities) are envisaged by EU law: Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) under art.22 of RED II Directive and citizens energy communities (CECs) under art 16 of the Internal Electricity Market Directive.

Citizen cooperatives can potentially invest in projects covering all SECAP sectors.

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