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Covenant of Mayors - Europe


The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), with a budget of almost € 99.3 billion for the period 2021-2027, provides an important contribution to the EU’s employment, social, education and skills policies, including structural reforms in these areas.

The Fund is one of the cornerstones of recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and will help address challenges related to labour participation, education and health systems and increased inequalities.

ESF+ will invest in reskilling and upskilling people for the transition to a green and digital Europe through the improvement of education and training systems necessary for the adaptation of skills and qualifications, the upskilling of all, including the labour force, the creation of new jobs in sectors related to the environment, climate, energy, the circular economy and the bioeconomy.

Organisations that can benefit from regional funding include public bodies, some private sector organisations (especially small businesses), universities, associations, NGOs and voluntary organisations.

The project has to be in line with the Operational programme (OP) for your region/area. The OP is managed by the managing authorities. You should consult the OP and get in touch with the respective managing authority to find out more about the OP objectives and calls for proposals.

All European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) including ESF+ can be used in integrated packages at the local, regional or national level through the use of territorial integrated instruments such as Community-led Local Development (CLLD) and Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI).

Leverage factor
Managing structure & coordination

National or Regional managing authorities 


Inspiring Examples
Useful links
Funding column
Support service