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  • News article
  • 14 March 2023

Call extended to become an EUCF Country Expert or National Hub in Luxembourg, Iceland and the Netherlands

EUCF has extended the call for Country Experts in Iceland and Luxembourg and National Hub in the Netherlands. Are you from one of these countries and interested in supporting municipalities in their EUCF journeys? Then apply by April 14!


The European City Facility (EUCF) is extending the search for Country Experts in Iceland and Luxembourg and National Hub in the Netherlands. Both roles are funded and should work to support local authorities on their EUCF Journey.

The EUCF has concluded its search for Country Experts and National Hubs in 26 countries, but is still searching in Iceland and Luxembourg (country experts) and in the Netherlands (National Hub). The deadline for these countries has been extended to April 14, 2023. 

The roles include:

  • a Country Expert, whose role will be to support municipalities in their  ‘LIFE  EUCF journey’ and to support the Core Management Team for a smooth LIFE EUCF operation and monitoring. We will select Country Experts based on their proven technical and financial competences and working experience in the field of energy and climate investments at local/regional level, their existing relations and contacts with municipalities, and the best value for money.
  • a National Hub, whose role will be to involve municipalities in the Facility and support the deal-closing of their investment concepts. We will select  National  Hubs based on their proven wide outreach to municipalities and local authorities,  their working experience in supporting local authorities, particularly on energy and climate investments, and best value for money.

Find out more and how to apply on the EUCF page.


14 March 2023