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Covenant of Mayors - Europe

Call on Restoring Ocean and Waters

iMERMAID - an EU-funded project under the EU Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters" has just launched its Open Call #1 for associated regions of the Mediterranean.

Entity in charge


Application Deadline

Satellite Event

Rural Pact Survey


Share your views, needs and interests related to the Rural Pact

Help the Rural Pact Support Office identify key areas where they can offer enhanced support and networking opportunities to the Rural Pact and its community – fill in our short survey by 19 July 2024.

Entity in charge

EU Rural Pact

Application Deadline

  • Community News
A recent event in Badajoz, Extremadura - where the Covenant of Mayors is not yet as embedded as in other Spanish regions - showcased the initiative's potential to enhance municipal energy and climate efforts.
  • Community News
Decarbonising heating in cities starts with knowing one's heat through comprehensive heat mapping and planning. This year at EUSEW, we launched our campaign during a session on this crucial topic with insights from the EU to local level.
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