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Covenant of Mayors - Europe

LIFE Technical Assistance Projects

The Technical Assistance Projects (TA projects) may include the following:

1. Projects for the preparation of SNAPs or SIPs (TA-PP).
These projects are aimed at providing financial support to help applicants to prepare a SNAP or a SIP for a maximum LIFE contribution of EUR 70 000. They represent the continuation of the technical assistance projects financed under the LIFE programme 2014-2020.

2. Projects to facilitate the upscaling or replication of results (TA-R).
These projects are aimed to facilitate the upscaling or replication of results funded under the LIFE programme or, where relevant to fulfil the objectives of the LIFE programme, under other EU funds, including by preparing the access to other Union financial instruments.

3. Projects for the capacity building of member states authorities with low effective participation (TA-CAP)
These TA projects aim at building up the capacity of member states’ authorities to improve effective participation in the LIFE programme.

*Low effective participation definition – page 21. Work Programme 2021-2024

Eligible activities are the following:

  • Implementation actions such as training activities targeted information campaigns;

  • Monitoring and evaluation actions to assess the actual impact of the implementation actions;

  • Communication and dissemination actions;

  • Actions for project management and quality control.

Type of funding
Project size
Leverage factor
Managing structure & coordination
DG ENV, DG CLIMA, CINEA, EIB & National Contact Points
Inspiring Examples
Useful links
Support service