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Covenant of Mayors - Europe
News article26 July 2023

How the City of Bydgoszcz is implementing an ambitious renewable energy project with the help of Smart Cities Marketplace

The Smart Cities Marketplace helps cities implement their Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs). Discover how the Polish city of Bydgoszcz is benefitting from their services to bring actions from their plan to life.


The City of Bydgoszcz, located in northern Poland and signatory of the Covenant of Mayors since 2011, has made significant progress towards its sustainable development goals. Now, as part of their Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP), they are developing a big renewable energy project. To bring this ambitious project to fruition, they first secured funding from the European City Facility (EUCF).for the concept, and have now secured Smart Cities Marketplace's technical assistance and consultancy services for implementation.

Bydgoszcz aims to establish 10 photovoltaic farms with a total capacity of approximately 40 megawatts (MW). The project also involves creating a cutting-edge hydrogen generation system that is primarily intended to de-carbonise the city's bus transportation system. This innovative project has the potential to be replicated in Poland and expanded beyond its initial scope. 

Recognising the complexity of the project, Bydgoszcz has sought technical assistance from the experts at the Smart Cities Marketplace. The support required includes specialised knowledge in hydrogen generation and hydrogen busses as well as financial expertise to navigate European Union and national co-financing opportunities. Bydgoszcz will receive 1-on-1 consultancy from the Smart Cities Marketplace between June and October 2023. 

Bydgoszcz aims to work closely with the Smart Cities Marketplace to develop a comprehensive and efficient renewable energy infrastructure aligned with its long-term sustainability objectives. The successful implementation of this project would position Bydgoszcz as a forward-thinking city committed to clean energy and inspire similar initiatives across Europe. Smart Cities Marketplace will work with the city to connect them to other cities that have decarbonised their public transport using hydrogen to exchange experiences and best practices. 

By securing technical support from the Smart Cities Marketplace, the City of Bydgoszcz is determined to decarbonise its urban environment and achieve its Sustainable Climate and Energy Action Plans. By developing a renewable energy infrastructure and using innovative hydrogen solutions, Bydgoszcz aims to become a model for other municipalities in Poland and inspire sustainable initiatives throughout Europe. 

About the Smart Cities Marketplace 

While cities' Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans, developed in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors, pave the way to reaching the EU's ambitious climate and energy goals, further steps are necessary to meet these targets. 

The Smart Cities Marketplace serves as an essential complement to the Covenant of Mayors. It provides operational support to bring these commitments to life, addressing challenges such as lack of capacity and skills at local level, and limited access to funding, preventing local governments from implementing their plans. Through its services, from matchmaking and one-on-one consultations to capacity building and technical assistance, the Smart Cities Marketplace helps cities transform their plans into actionable projects that can secure funding or training opportunities. Our partnership is based on the belief that working together is the only way to accelerate the transition. 


Publication date
26 July 2023