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Burgemeestersconvenant - Europa

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Kom naar de Conferentie Burgemeestersconvenant 2023

In the Spotlight

Laatste nieuws

  • Community News
Greater efficiency, lower costs, and a better environment. The Cascais City Council has launched Portugal’s first locally-developed Green Fund focused on the environment. This fund aims to provide financial support to local families for implementing energy efficiency and transition measures.
  • EU News
Last week, the European Commission and the European Environment Agency hosted a webinar on Europe’s preparedness for heatwaves, presenting the key findings of the briefing “Monitoring heat impacts on health in Europe”.

Komende evenementen

Satellite Event Cities Heat Detox
Covenant Participation Cities Heat Detox
Satellite Event Cities Heat Detox

Kaart van de siganten van het Verbond

Aanmelden voor onze nieuwsbrief

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