The way we heat today, by burning fossil fuels, is detrimental to our environment, our health, and our society. Fossil-fuelled heating, representing 72% of buildings’ heating in Europe today, contributes to climate change, energy insecurity and deteriorated air quality. There is no doubt: for a healthier and more secure future, our cities need a comprehensive cleansing of toxic heat sources.
Cities have the potential to make a big difference. Through effective heat planning and the expansion of collective solutions like decarbonised district heating, local governments can phase out gas in their heating on a large scale.
Join the movement of European cities detoxifying their heat, opting for a secure and healthy future for all.
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Why the Cities Heat Detox?
In the global fight against climate change, detoxifying heating in cities is an essential step to achieving net-zero emissions in Europe by 2050.
For healthy cities
Safeguarding a city's health means steering clear of toxic heat sources.
To improve air quality and health in cities, especially dense urban areas, protecting your city’s environment and citizens’ wellbeing.
To support a more energy-efficient, modern, and circular economy, creating jobs in a new industry.
To ensure energy sovereignty and a just transition that combats energy poverty and mitigates climate change’s long-term effects on local communities.
Why are you detoxing heat?
Write to us to feature your story as part of the campaign!
What can cities do to detox heat?
To heat cities, there’s no need to burn and release toxins in the air.
Cities can detox heat on a large scale by massively shifting towards cleaner, more modern, efficient, and sustainable heating sources. Here’s how in 3 steps.
The first step to any detox is to have a clear understanding of your system: your city’s heat sources, heat demand and potential alternatives.
For a more impactful detox that reduces heating-related toxins on a large scale, consider a full-city approach. This means embracing decarbonised collective district heating (DHC) solutions.
Rejuvenate your city’s heating system by feeding your district heating networks with clean, healthy heat sources that are most adapted to your territory.
What do cities need to detox heat?
For a successful Cities Heat Detox, cities need specific conditions and all the support they can get.
A recently published EU tracker, which assesses the state of play of local heating and cooling planning across EU Member States, unfortunately shows that most countries lack appropriate regulatory and support frameworks for municipalities to start with this first and essential step of a successful heat detox.
What does your city need for a successful Heat Detox? Join the campaign for opportunities to showcase your story!
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