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EUI - Innovative Actions: Webinar for applicants in Vilnius

Date to be confirmed, registration opens in the next weeks.


During the Applicant Seminars, participants will have the opportunity to take part in several plenary and break-out sessions dedicated to different aspects of the EUI – Innovative Actions. They will receive information about its goals and rules; thematic coverage and main features of EUI - Innovative Actions; the topic of the 1st Call; as well as technical information related to the projects: application form; intervention logic; finance, eligibility rules, project budget; transfer mechanism; knowledge and communication.

Additionally, upon registration, based on a first-come-first-served principle, and considering the priority given to the urban authorities, interested participants can also register to 30-minute one-to-one sessions with the EUI Permanent Secretariat members and discuss their project proposal. These one-to-one sessions will take place right after the closure of the Applicant Seminar and there will be a limited number of spots available.

Details here.

Four Applicant Seminars will take place on the following dates and locations:

  • 19th October 2022 Brussels, Belgium
  • 8th-9th November 2022 Vienna, Austria
  • 29th-30th November 2022 Sofia, Bulgaria – date to be confirmed; registration opens in the next weeks.
  • 6th-8th December 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania – date to be confirmed; registration opens in the next weeks.

More information about the Call for proposals here.

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  • Lithuania

Practical information

European Urban Innovative