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Konvent der Bürgermeister/innen – Europa


Agrifood and Retail SMEs – Renewable Energy Communities

This call for proposals aims to support the creation of local/regional renewable energy communities (RECs) across the EU integrating local Agri-food and Retail SMEs and aims to contribute to reducing and stabilising the energy costs of their SME members.

Application Deadline


Scalable Cities Roadshow Mentoring Sessions

Cities with relatively advanced projects, who have specific questions and would like an external view from experts and investors to help them move forward with the implementation of their project, can apply to this non-competitive call to receive 8 two-hour bilateral mentoring sessions with the S

Application Deadline

9th Global District Energy Climate Awards

In a time when competitiveness, energy security, and sustainability are global priorities, it is more important than ever to recognize the excellence, resilience, and innovation of District Energy systems worldwide.

Application Deadline

Cities Heat Detox