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  • News article
  • 20 March 2024

Apulian Mayors convene in Brussels to discuss collaboration with Europe on climate change

A delegation of 23 mayors from Apulia, Italy, gather in Brussels to meet with European decision-makers and discuss ways of strengthening collaboration between Europe and the Italian region to better empower local energy and climate action.

Apulian Mayors in Brussels for Green Deal going local conference

“Mayors are on the frontline of what increasingly feels like a battle to halt climate change, and it is our duty to find the best ways to support you.” 

This was the overarching message delivered by representatives of European institutions and initiatives to a delegation of 23 mayors from Italy's Apulia region last week, in the lead up to the March 15th event on 'Translating the EU Green Deal into Local Action'.  

Zooming in on the Apulia region, Italy

The Apulia region in Italy is one of the regions in Europe with the most Covenant signatories. This is in part thanks to a regional programme, set up with the help of regional Covenant coordinators, that uses the Covenant framework to involve local authorities in the region, providing them with technical and financial resources to develop and further implement SECAPs.

Ahead of the Conference for local and regional leaders organised under the Belgian Presidency on March 15th, ‘Translating the European Green Deal into local action’, a delegation of 23 mayors came to Brussels for a 2-day visit. Facilitated by the L’Agenzia per l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (AESS, Covenant of Mayors Supporter) and the Covenant of Mayors – Europe, the visit aimed to create connections between these local leaders and European decision-makers.  

At the core of the conversation were the initiatives and resources aimed at supporting Apulian local authorities in their efforts to transition towards decarbonised and resilient communities with affordable, secure and sustainable energy accessible to all. 

Apulian mayors had the chance to exchange with representatives from key European institutions: the Deputy Director General of the Commission's directorate on energy, Matthew Baldwin, as well as representatives from the Directorate General on Climate Action and of the Committee of the Regions. It was also the opportunity to clearly showcase different European initiatives supporting cities and towns in their transitions and their different scopes, from the Covenant of Mayors to the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub and the European Climate Pact.  

Mayors from Apulia region, Italy, meet with European decision-makers to discuss climate action

Feedback on challenges 

Matthew Baldwin recalled that Italian mayors have always been right at the heart of the Covenant of Mayors – Europe, leading and shaping its development since it began 15 years ago. He and his European Commission colleagues acknowledged the palpable frustration expressed by mayors at the amount of time spent on developing and approving plans, agreeing that the urgency of the climate emergency required efforts to swiftly pivot towards implementation.  

Recurring themes throughout the afternoon’s discussions included the need to find ways to attract private financing, the importance of developing more robust monitoring systems and the challenge of building local authority capacities to deliver the ambitious transformative changes required of their territories, ensuring nobody is left behind.  

Mayors from Apulia region, Italy, sign the declaration at the event 'Translating the EU Green Deal into local action'

Insights on effective multilevel governance

Furthermore, Mrs Fiorenza Pascazio, Mayor of Bitetto and President of the National Association of Italian Municipalities for Apulia Region (ANCI Apulia), highlighted the crucial role of the multilevel governance process coordinated by Apulia Region to develop regional climate and energy strategies and action plans.  

Benedetta Brighenti, president of AESS, an important technical partner for Italian local authorities and a supporter of the Covenant of Mayors in Italy, strongly encouraged attending Mayors to use their two days in Brussels to build those relationships upon which they could draw on later.  

A visit from Vice President of the European Parliament’s Pina Picierno, a proud Southern Italian, was the culmination of Thursday’s discussions. Ms Picierno echoed earlier offers of support and demonstrated a keen interest to hear directly from Mayors about their challenges, and how elected European representatives could help them realise their bold ideas. 

Fiorenza Pascazio, Mayor of Bitetto and President of Anci Puglia, National Association of Italian Municipalities, Puglia section, speaks at the Conference 'Translating the EU Green Deal into local action' on March 15, 2024

Informação detalhada

Data de publicação
20 March 2024