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Konvent der Bürgermeister/innen – Europa
  • News article
  • 8 June 2023

Need guidance for your green transition? Looking for a funding? The Committee of the Regions has something for you!

Giving local and regional authorities guidance and funding for the green transition with the ​​​​​​​​​​​Green Deal Going Local Handbook and the monthly Green Deal Funding Alert !

EN Green deal handbook

​​​​​​​​​​​Green Deal Going Local Handbook  : Giving local and regional authorities guidance for the green transition

The European Green Deal will be won or lost in EU cities and regions, as local and regional authorities (LRAs) are responsible for its implementation.

In order to equip LRAs with the right measures to deal with the hazards of climate change, the Committee of the Regions has published a Handbook that provides targeted guidance on financial aid and technical assistance in the field of adaptation. In the future, similar guidance will be developed on the areas of the renovation wave and biodiversity protection.

Find more information about the EU Green Deal Handbook here !

Interested by funding opportunities and initiatives for your region or city?

The monthly Green Deal Funding Alert gives you an overview of funding opportunities and initiatives that could be interesting for your region or city.

4 calls for proposals open ! 

  • Call for proposals on 'Biodiversity Climate Nexus Fund'.
  • Call for proposals on Nature conservation, Environmental protection and Climate actions under the EU Life programme 2023.
  • Call for proposals for key cross-border EU Energy Infrastructure project
  • First call for proposals under the EU Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism : Finland

Find more information about Green Deal Funding Alert here !


Datum der Veröffentlichung
8 June 2023