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Patto dei Sindaci – Europa
Training and workshops

Scalable Cities Roadshow - Empowering Urban Prosperity: Inspiration for City Business Models

This edition of Roadshow will focus on Empowering Urban Prosperity and provide you with an inspiration for city business models.

On 21 March 2024 join us for the Scalable Cities Roadshow!

This edition of Roadshow will focus on Empowering Urban Prosperity and provide you with an inspiration for city business models. 

The session will look at a Retrospective on Smart Cities Business Models: Progress, Stagnation, Failures, Advancements, Recommendations and Reflexion.

Featuring contributions from: Damian Wagner-Herold, Andrea Geyer-Scholz, Gretel Schaj, Yamileth Salas Vega, Vincent Mc Cormack, Gary Brennan, Eduardo Menéndez, Paula Ferrando Julià,  +CityxChange, SPARCSeu

Full Agenda:

10:00 - 10:10 Introduction of Scalable Cities and Smart City Project. Paula Ferrando GNE Finance.
10:10 - 10:30 Key findings on the report “State of the European Smart Cites Mind the Gap: From Piloting to Upscaling”. Damian Wagner Herold, Smart City Expert.
10:30 – 10:45 Key findings on the report: “Consolidated Analysis of SCC relevant Business Models and Packaged Measures”. Paula Ferrando, GNE Finance.  
10:45 – 11:00   SPARCS – Business ecosystem modelling for positive energy districts. Yamileth Salas, Bable. 
11:00 – 11:20 +CityxChange – Tidal Turbine Energy Power Plant (TTPP) owned by the REC. Vincent Mc Cormack and Gary Brennan, Gkinetic. 
11:20 – 11:35 Community Business Models, some good inspiring examples. Paula Ferrando Julià, GNE Finance
11:40 – 12:00 Q&A and open discussion.

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