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Covenant of Mayors - Europe
  • Training and workshops

EUSEW Session: "Climate Neutrality needs concerted action: why is multi-level governance the solution?"

Join the EUSEW session on multilevel governance, to find out how different levels of government can work together to reach climate neutrality.

Local and regional authorities have the potential of becoming a real driving force of the European energy transition. However, this still needs to be clearly reflected at the national level. The upcoming review of NECPs could be a chance for Member States to improve their processes and use a multi-level governance approach. This session will focus on the imperative to embed local authorities and stakeholders in the update of these strategic plans and will share the different multi-level dialogue practices implemented in some of the EU Member States.


  • Mrs. Paula Abreu Marques from DG Energy, Head of Unit Inter-institutional, Policy Coordination and Planning (ENER.A.1), Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission
    Mrs. Iva Petrova, Deputy Minister of Energy from Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Bulgaria
    Mrs. Asa Minoz, Innovation Strategist,  KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Viable Cities programme, Sweden
    M. Andries Gryffroy, member of the Flemish Parliament and member of the European Committee of the Regions
    M. Josko Klisovic, president of the Assembly, city of Zagreb and member of the European Committee of the Regions
    João Correia Bernardo, Director General of the Portuguese Directorate-General for Energy and Geology, responsible for the NECP
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Practical information

2023-06-22T16:00:00 - 2023-06-22T17:30:00
NECPlatform Project