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Covenant of Mayors - Europe
  • Conferences and summits

Global Innovation Summit: “Planning for a sustainable future: cities designing urban transitions"


The annual UTM Global Innovation Summit will delve into innovative approaches that aid cities across the world in them partway to a net-zero resilient future, through prioritizing resource efficiency, people-centered design, and digital interconnectedness.
The event would be of interest to cities looking to understand global initiatives around similar net-zero goals.

Join in online or in Brussels!

Register here

Book your seat, 2 days left to register, registration will end on 6 October 2024, 23:45 CEST

  • -
  • Belgium

Practical information

Belgium Borschette Centre
rue Froissart 36, Belgium
2024-10-07T09:00:00 - 2024-10-08T18:00:00
Urban Transitions Mission (UTM)