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7th call of the European City Facility

The European City Facility (EUCF) aims to support municipalities and local authorities in developing Investment Concepts related to the implementation of actions identified in their climate and energy action plans. The ultimate objective of the EUCF is to build a substantial pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects across municipalities in Europe. The EUCF finances the development of an Investment Concept with a fixed grant of 60 000 EUR. 

The 7th call of the European City Facility is funded by the LIFE Programme and offers an opportunity for 71 local authorities and their groupings throughout the European Union, Ukraine and Iceland. 

It is the last round of funding currently planned, and applications will need to be submitted before 18th of December 2024 17:00 (Brussels time).

Applications are evaluated based on 4 evaluation criteria: 

  •  Ambition of the proposed investment concept
  • Governance structure for the development of the investment concept
  • Stakeholders’ engagement strategy
  • Coherence and plausibility

Find out more and apply now! 


Application Deadline

Type of Call

Funding opportunity

Eligibility Criteria

The EUCF is open to all municipalities/local authorities, their groupings, and local public entities aggregating municipalities/local authorities from the 27 EU Member States, Iceland and Ukraine. Applicants are required to have a climate and/or energy plan. This includes SECAPs (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans), developed within the Covenant of Mayors initiative, or other climate and/or energy plans with mitigation targets. 

Moreover, applicants have to demonstrate political commitment to the development of the Investment Concept through a letter of support, signed by the mayor or other relevant political representative.

The applicant must commit to the EUCF monitoring period of two years.

Find out more here! 

Entity in charge


Energy Efficiency