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Burgemeestersconvenan – Europa

Burgemeestersconvenant - Europa

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Kom naar de Conferentie Burgemeestersconvenant 2023

In the Spotlight

Laatste nieuws

  • City Stories
Cities can detoxify their heating systems broadly with collective district heating (DHC). Though a significant endeavour, renovating, developing, or expanding DHC in dense urban areas will ensure long-term, affordable, and large-scale low-carbon energy use.
  • New Resource
Local authorities play a crucial role in addressing climate change, and the Covenant of Mayors has been at the forefront of supporting their efforts since 2008. The JRC report provides a comprehensive scientific assessment of the Covenant's pillars of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Komende evenementen

Covenant Participation
Covenant Participation Cities Heat Detox

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