The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH), the leading EU initiative run by the European Commission at the request of the European Parliament, is a collaborative network of stakeholders aiming to eradicate energy poverty and accelerate the just energy transition of local governments in Europe.
Their mission is to be a centre of energy poverty expertise in Europe for local governments and all stakeholders interested in taking action to combat energy poverty in Europe. On the website, different resources are available to guide stakeholders in implementing concrete actions and tackling energy poverty in their local context.
Energy poverty is a complex, multifaceted challenge. It is commonly defined as the inability of households to ensure their energy needs, and it is linked with a combination of factors. Since the reasons for energy poverty can be many, this also means that there is not one type of - or reason for - energy poverty and its nature can vary even at the local level. It can be shown as a situation with long power outages periods meaning inability to access energy, but also as a set of conditions where individuals or households are unable to adequately heat/cool or provide other required energy services in their homes at affordable cost.
In order to support a wider range of local authorities in starting and/or proceeding confidently in their energy poverty actions, EPAH is providing direct support through calls for technical assistance, this being the second call for applications. The goal is to produce effective local results that can serve as further inspiration for other local governments aiming to undertake similar processes. At the end of the selection process, the proposals awarded will receive online or in-person assistance. Further details are available in the following chapters.
A minimum of 36 municipalities will be selected to receive support based on the total scoring and distinguishing between SINGLE and BUNDLE proposals. Organisations from all 27 Member States can submit proposals as long as at least one of the partners submitting the proposal is a local government.
Based on the content of the proposal, EPAH will find a match with a relevant expert organisation from the EPAH network taking into consideration the expertise needed, the geographical area, the main language of communication and any eventual feedback provided by the local governments.
Read more details about the Call and how to apply here.
- Data tal-pubblikazzjoni
- 22 March 2023