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  • News article
  • 12 March 2023

How to assess the impact of climate measures? Episode 3 of our adaptation podcast series gives us some insights.

In the third episode of our podcast series on adaptation, we brought in a technical expert, environmental engineering Ion Sola Torralba, to help us tackle the complex question of assessing adaptation.

Podcast Episode 3

It’s important for local governments to follow the progress they are making with the measures they are implementing to tackle climate change. Mitigation measures are not too difficult to assess through the monitoring of emissions. However, with adaptation measures, things are not so simple. How can we know which variations in our climate and environment are caused by climate change? What’s more, how can we know if the measures we are implementing are also themselves influencing these variations and improving the situation? 

The third episode of our podcast strives to give some answers to these difficult questions. The answers themselves may sound complicated: remote sensing and geographic information systems... But bear with us. Our guest in this episode, environmental engineer Ion Sola Torralba, breaks down the concepts and what is behind them in very comprehensive and concrete ways. Explaining to us how he and his partners from the LIFE Nadapta project* have developed a comprehensive tool to measure the hazards caused by climate change on the Spanish region of Navarre and the impact of measures put in place to tackle them.

Tune in to hear practical and concrete ways to measure the impact of climate change in your region, with the goal of implementing effective adaptation measures in your municipality. Listen to the episode here!

*The LIFE-IP NAdapt-CC project aims to increase resilience to climate change in the Spanish region of Navarre, through the principles of participation (involving all key stakeholders), cross-sectoriality (breaking down divisions between sectors), long-term sustainability (enhancing regional capacities), subsidiarity (decision-making close to citizens) and networking (ensuring successful replication of results). 

The monitoring tool developed by Ion Sola Torralba and his colleagues in the framework of this project aims to evaluate the territorial impact of the effects of climate change on the Navarra region, in a very visual and comprehensive way. This platform was developed with the intention of replicated across Europe.


Data tal-pubblikazzjoni
12 March 2023