Making the right policy choices to implement your city’s Action Plan towards climate neutrality is not simple. If only there was a way to project and really calculate the impact of different policies in advancing your city’s climate objectives...
That is exactly what the Horizon-funded project EUCityCalc project worked on in the past three years: developing a webtool to help local governments create scenarios based on different policy choices. The tool aims to help cities simulate low-carbon scenarios in different energy-relevant sectors based on their data.
The project is just ending, but it is leaving behind its legacy. And a ready-to-use tool, available for free, for all cities and towns!
The webtool's projections show different departments and local stakeholders how to make climate-positive policy decisions. Dijon is integrating these ideas and is looking forward to gaining even more insights as the EU City Calculator develops - Hadrien Rouchette, Project Manager, Dijon Métropole
Incorporating your data to access tailored solutions
The European City Calculator allows public authorities and other stakeholders to integrate the data from their Sustainable Energy and Action Plan (SECAP), as well as some key socio-demographic trends.
The model underlying EUCityCalc completes the missing data (energy, emissions, activity data) thanks to a rich database at the level of each European country. The webtool provides public officials with critical insight and foresight into the implications and ramifications of various policy choices and investments at their disposal.
While using the Calculator, cities can share their feedback with Climact, the developer of the webtool, to help improving it.
The benefit of this tool compared to others is that it is city specific. Moreover, it is free of charge and it can give an interesting overview of how various sectors influence greenhouse gas emissions. This information can help policymakers to make decisions that will decrease the city’s carbon footprints - Elisa Parisi, Technician, Municipality of Mantova.
Getting familiar with the Calculator
In addition to the always-available video tutorials, cities can still enrol and complete the EUCityCalc learning programme by 31 August. This programme consists of two courses, each requiring a two-hour time investment. Learners will discover how to master the EU City Calculator, organise and run multi-stakeholder dialogues, and learn more about the importance for local authorities of being involved in the national policy process. No previous knowledge of data visualisation tools and management is required.
Several new cities are now using the European City Calculator. Join us! Together, we can make our cities lead the EU green transition!
This webtool is our long-term commitment to support cities in their climate strategy. We will keep enhancing it with users’ feedback and make sure that it stays user-friendly, transparent, and connected. - Vincent Matton, CLIMACT, Head of Products and Technology
Useful links
Learning programme: https://localtransitionslearning.eu/mod/page/view.php?id=213
Tool: https://eucitycalc.climact.com/
Policy report – EU-level recommendations: https://europeancitycalculator.eu/2024/07/10/eucitycalc-recommendations-to-strengthen-the-role-of-local-authorities/
This blog article is a contribution from partners working on the EUCityCalc project.
- Avaldamiskuupäev
- 26 July 2024