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Covenant of Mayors - Europe
News article10 February 2023

Strengthening the role of Coordinators and Supporters by developing Grouped SECAPs for their territory's municipalities

A new Reference Guide for Grouped SECAPs Analysis is out! We have developed a fast-track for SECAPs evaluation, based on a cluster of plans within Coordinators' and Supporters' territories.

Grouped SECAPs Analysis

The Covenant of Mayors – Europe, the European Commission and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) recognise the important role of Territorial Coordinators (CTCs) and Covenant Supporters (CS) in leading the green transition in their territories.

Since the launch of the initiative in 2008, many Territorial Coordinators and Supporters have also taken over the responsibility of developing local Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) for their municipalities, using a common methodology and data sources.

We want to give support and valorise this approach! This is why the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Covenant of Mayors – Europe Office have developed a fast-track for SECAPs evaluation, based on a cluster of plans within the Coordinator / Supporter’s territory.


The grouped SECAPs analysis consists of an in-depth analysis of the methodology and related reference SECAPs by the Joint Research Centre.


Active Territorial Coordinators of the Covenant of Mayors – Europe, regional / local thematic agencies and national / regional associations of local authorities can request the evaluation of their own methodology for SECAPs development.


Once the methodology and related reference SECAPs are accepted, all action plans for municipalities with less than 50.000 inhabitants supported by the concerned Coordinators or Supporters and submitted via MyCovenant platform, are automatically accepted by the Joint Research Centre.


This approach allows signatory municipalities to receive faster approval of their action plans and is less time consuming on the Coordinator/Supporter’s side as well! Because they receive feedback on the methodology and on the reference SECAPs that can be easily applied to all the other signatories supported.

The added value of the grouped analysis resides also in the opportunity for the Coordinator or Supporter to discuss methodological questions with the Joint Research Centre and to reinforce their role within the initiative.

Finally, the approach serves to strengthen the role of Territorial Coordinators and Supporters in their territories as parties responsible for a decentralized evaluation of the action plans developed by the supported municipalities, on behalf of the Joint Research Centre and the Covenant of Mayors – Europe Office.

Check out the Guide here!


Publication date
10 February 2023