Miskolc, Hungary
Located in Northeast Hungary, Miskolc is usually known for its heavy industry, but it also boasts a vibrant cultural and touristic scene – as well as high climate ambition. Recently, the city has joined 111 other European cities in the mission to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. Miskolc is now actively exploring its available resources and strategies to transition away from fossil fuels.
An essential heat detox
With heating accounting for almost half of the city’s emissions, Miskolc set itself the ambitious target of fully decarbonising its heating and cooling by 2030. In the Hungarian city, heat decarbonisation is considered a crucial tool to reduce the city’s emissions and reach climate neutrality by 2030. Beyond emissions, it’s also seen as an important opportunity to improve the health of the citizens by moving away from fossil fuels and providing better air quality.
District heating as a lever
To support this effort, the city can leverage its already extensive district heating network, which currently serves one-third of the building stock and is set for further expansion and refurbishment. This network is predominantly powered by geothermal energy, which accounts for 50% of the supply at present. Plans are in place to increase this share significantly, aiming for geothermal energy to supply up to 95% of the network in the future.
An inclusive approach
While working for the urgent transformations necessary to decarbonise its heat, Miskolc faces the challenge of tackling a high rate of energy poverty. To address this pressing issue, they highlight the fundamental need to adopt an inclusive approach and involve citizens in planning its strategy.
Main challenges to detoxify heat:
- Addressing energy poverty in the heat transition
- Refurbishing the existing district heating infrastructure
- Incentivising behavioural change
Where they are in their heat strategy:
Miskolc's heat detox:
Key Heat Figures:
- Emissions related to heating: 40%
- Percentage of renewables in heating system: 50%
Covenant Figures:
- Signatory to the Covenant of Mayors since: 2015
- Emission reduction ambitions:
- % GHG emissions reductions by 2030: 100%
- Mission city