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2nd edition of the Crash Course for Cities - Training programme on district heating & cooling

Join us for the second edition of the Crash Course for Cities, a training programme on District Heating and Cooling tailored for local authorities, municipality representatives and government officials.

Heating & Cooling
Cities Heat Detox

In collaboration with the Covenant of Mayors - Europe, Euroheat & Power is organising a training programme on District Heating and Cooling tailored for local authorities, municipality representatives and government officials. This event will be held in conjunction with the Euroheat & Power Congress.

This free course will be delivered in English, with potential translation into Czech, and will focus on district heating decarbonisation strategies, innovative financing approaches and stakeholder engagement. The programme will include a technical site visit to a district heating facility in Prague and a networking dinner to connect with peers and industry leaders. Participants who qualify for the "local authority" ticket will also enjoy complimentary access to the Euroheat & Power Congress.

If you are interested, please submit the expression of interest. Note that completing this expression of interest form is not a binding registration but helps us plan for capacity and logistics.

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  • Czechia

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Euroheat & Power